A contractor was hurt on the job and filed a claim for back and leg injuries. When Investigation Solutions was asked to look further into the claim, the senior investigator first tried the injured contractor at home, but he wasn’t there. Our investigator went to the claimant’s doctor’s office and found a vehicle registered to the claimant’s relative. He followed the claimant as he ran errands around town. Strangely, the claimant would stop at a curb, wait, drive down the street and stop at a curb for some time, over and over. Our investigator broke off for the day.
The next day our investigator canvassed the area where he last saw the claimant and found his car. Waiting patiently, he followed the claimant to his new job at a local electrical contractor company, and observed him walking, bending and lifting. Claim denied, saving the insurer $70,000.