A worker injured in 2012 committed workers’ compensation fraud when he said his arms, shoulder, back and knee were injured from driving a truck. However, he got better and forgot to tell his doctors, his adjuster or his attorney. IS caught him working while claiming to be disabled. Not only was he working – he owned his own trucking company. He lied in deposition, saying he was too disabled to drive, yet he had been getting medical clearances to drive a commercial truck.
The claim was denied. The claimant was confronted. His attorney still wanted money. Meanwhile, IS presented the case to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office.
He was arrested in November 2017. He plead guilty in October 2018, agreeing to repay ACM/ENIC the $84,304 that he stole. ACM received the final restitution check last October. The fraudster has a new skill: Picking up trash on the side of the freeway.