The insured purchased a homeowners policy in early December 2021 for her newly constructed home. She called the next month to say that someone broke into her home in early January, taking her stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer and a tankless water heater.
She said she had not moved in yet. Her cousin noticed the front door unlocked and appliances missing when he went to the home to allow a vendor to measure the home for window coverings.
The adjuster became suspicious when she found that Zillow showed that the insured posted the home for rent in late December 2021.
The insured told the investigator that she planned to move into the home with her parents but had to delay the move in due to COVID illness. She provided the contact information for her cousin who discovered the theft. The cousin, however, told the investigator that he was showing the home to a prospective tenant. The homeowners policy purchased was for owner residence, not rental; this difference in risk would equal a different premium.
The insured promised to complete the proof of loss and send receipts for the appliances. That did not happen. The insured finally decided that she was too busy and decided to withdraw her claim.